Thursday, January 17, 2013


Moche isn't all cuddles and sweetness. This silly little pup has a lot of spunkiness and enjoys getting the rest of my pack going. She loves running up behind a dog at a 45-degree angle, hopping up and poking them in the face and then scurrying ahead of them. Being adults they tolerate her antics pretty well, but sometimes they'll do a warning air-snap if she's getting too obnoxious. She and Maya have a great love of rattie runs and chase each other around the yard and house. Moche will even get the other three dogs - who are all bigger than her! - chasing her. She has a pretty neat play style; she will run and when a dog gets close she does a dive-roll and lands on her back with paws up in the air in an appeasement signal. The other dog jumps over her, she rolls back over and takes off the other direction. What a little sprite!!

Here she is doing what she does best - being sweet and adorable follow by riling up the other dogs!
And of course after all is said and done sweet Miss Innocent comes back out full of soft eyes and requests to be held in your arms.

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