Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lure Coursing

Owen is always ready to go!
While it was the flyball tournament that drew Unorthodogs to Longview, Washington, the tournament was part of a larger event. Dogapalooza is an annual event that includes several events, including lure coursing, lots of demos for agility, rally, nose work, and several vendors. From the video below you can tell that Sappho's favorite part is lure coursing!

Originally it was designed for sighthounds like Saluki, Borzoi, and Greyhounds. It spread out though as more folks realized it appealed to more than just the long-legged sighthounds, and now in most events any dog who wants to lure course can do so!
Standing in line I saw a wide variety of breeds. Some breeds were "classic" lure-coursing breeds, such as terriers, sighthounds, and certain hound breeds bred to take down prey over long distances like the Rhodesian Ridgeback or the Irish Wolfhound. However, we also so Chihuahuas, Corgis, Poodles, Rottweilers, and lots of mixed breeds!

Finally though, after an interminable time (from Maya and Sappho's point of view) it was time to run! Below are the three runs by Maya, Sappho, and Owen. Owen had never lure coursed before and I didn't know what he would think, but true to his terrier nature he chased and "killed" that bag!

After the three dogs did a fine job of taking down their plastic prey, it was back to the tournament! They rested in their kennel while Mom got back to work!
From left to right - Sasha, Cricket, Maya, Owen, Sappho, and Rhubarb!


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed! I think my favorite part is how Sappho outlasts the lure....she may only be 10" tall, but them legs got stamina!
