My desk sits in the front room which is gated off from the rest of the house. It's a fairly large desk, and there is a space beside me to the right that fits a dog bed perfectly. This space has become one of the most hotly contested spots in the house!
Maya loves it. |
Sappho loves it. |
Sappho HATES sharing it though. |
And of course, little Moche loves it as well. I often put her in it to get her off the floor and out of the way of Cody who sometimes tries to play too roughly with her. Moche will sometimes request some kisses or snuggles, but most of the time she curls up and falls asleep for as long as I'm at my desk.
Sniffing Cody |
Cody enjoys the bed too, but in his own way. He is too big to get up on the desk, although he'd love to! I fear for my electronics though, so he can sit on the papasan chair beside the desk but that is it. He loves his comfort though, so he will pull the bed off the desk and make his own little bed!
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